Chip Saltsman resigns from Joe Carr’s campaign, supports Lamar Alexander
August 20, 2013After learning of Joe Carr’s decision to run for the United States Senate, Chip Saltsman has resigned from Carr’s campaign efforts.
In his letter of resignation to Carr, Saltsman said in part, “Having learned of your decision to run for the United States Senate, I must resign from your campaign. I signed up to help you run for Congress, not the Senate.
“I have been a longtime supporter of Senator Alexander for many reasons, and I will continue to be a strong supporter…Due to the hard work of Lamar Alexander, and because he stayed true to his conservative ideals, our state has no income tax, great roads with no debt, and an economy that is the envy of most states.
“It is because of Lamar Alexander that people like you have the honor of serving in the majority of the state legislature…I am honored to support Lamar Alexander for re-election.”
You can read the full letter here.